Currently supplied definitions of our Problems/Solutions are mostly failures. The growing seriousness of the consequences of these failures compels redefinition, and compels us to be quick about it. Asking that you correct me if you think I'm wrong, I humbly submit the following suggestions:
I call this planet Good; since it's the only one within reach in the known universe capable of producing and sustaining Life; since my personal existence springs from it and will return to it, and is sustained by it in the meantime. I call this planet Good enough to be glad for, Good enough to pay attention to for its own Good on its own terms, for my own Good and for my People.
This is a direct link, by blood, between myself and Creation and its Author(s). I acknowledge that all living beings have this identical link, however various its appearance and expression. I count these variations among our great benefits, not only to be tolerated, but to be celebrated, to be thankful for.
This relationship's clarity and simplicity supply (1) definition of appropriate paths in Life (my 'Mission'), and (2) distinction between that Mission and Diversion from it.
I am Free, then, to distinguish between Natural Problems (ones we confront just being alive on Earth), and Artificial Problems (ones caused by actions I, or we, take). Since no sane person would add to our famous Natural Problems by contriving synthetic ones, I'm Free to see all Artificial Problems as results of mistaken definitions and the erroneous actions which flow from those mistakes. If I then make two lists of Problems, one Natural, the other Synthetic, and compare these lists, I immediately see huge, glaring differences:
Natural Problems are, by the present Definition, processes outside our control which are necessary parts of the fabric and dance of Creation. We may avoid them by removing ourselves from their vicinity, or we may minimize damage from them by taking shelter, putting on appropriate clothing, or otherwise adapting for surviving them. [veredict: survivable]
Synthetic Problems are, by the present Definition, processes within our control, that are made by hand, in error; courses of chosen action, ignoring any man-made, unnecessary dangers. These artificial problems could be avoided by simply not making them. Then to wilfully create these difficulties puts avoiding them out of the question. With these 'extra' problems in our midst, to then try adapting or adjusting to them accommodates them, institutionalizes them, perpetuates them. Accommodation requires rejection of the definition of these contrived troubles as problems at all. We are encouraged to define them even as solutions. [verdict: not survivable]
Natural Problems are relatively few, and have always been so. Wildfire, volcano, earthquake, hurricane/tornado, tsunami, flooding, even disease problems, have long been with us. These have been isolated and localized, with limited consequences for most of our history, even before we learned to write. Awareness, planning, prudent action, and reasonable hygiene have successfully minimized damage from these problems. [verdict: survivable]
Synthetic Problems are very many, rapidly increasing in number and severity, and began arising coincidentally with the 'agricultural revolution.' What we call written history is a record of Humans creating synthetic problems they called 'civilizations' which then killed those same civilizations, time after time, every time. Overpopulating our resources, over-exploiting our resources, warfare, pandemic diseases, individual peril, and social and ecological destruction are not unfortunate side-effects, they are the certain, invariable consequences of accommodating synthetic problems in larger Human populations. Erroneously calling such synthetic problems 'solutions' denies the very possibilities of awareness, planning, prudent action, and reasonable hygiene as means of protection. [verdict: not survivable]
Natural Problems have always been widely recognized as such. Wildly different means have been devised here and there to successfully avoid their dangers and minimize their toll. We see this with some pride as the Mark of our Species; we communicate, adapt, adjust, and prevail. [verdict: survivable]
Synthetic Problems have almost never been so recognized, neither as artificial nor as problems. From the first armed thugs and warlords, synthetic problems have been the means by which the bully gained and maintained power over his victims. When 'royalty' came along, born likewise of betrayal, murder and theft, these synthetic problems took on the camouflage of the 'will of god.' Divine Right guaranteed loyalty, even Belief in the rightness of the course of Synthetic Problems. These systematic, 'Holy' Synthetic Problems have always relied directly upon a mass of victims or subjects, compliant and docile enough to subscribe to and cooperate in the Synthetic Problems of the Realm, a population not willing or able to define the Ruling structure as a Synthetic Problem. It is often said that 'if people keep doing it, it must be natural...' We are even encouraged to accept Synthetic Problems as part of our inherent makeup, that warfare is part of Humans' most fundamental nature. [verdict: not survivable]
Our highly-regarded American Revolution was a concerted effort by Humans to outlaw Synthetic Problems. It resulted in a Law in black and white specifying how a lawful government would look and what a lawful government could do and could not do. It guaranteed in writing that Humans would thenceforth be Free to act individually and in concert to deal with Natural Problems and to prohibit Synthetic Problems.
So, what happened?!
The BIG Synthetic Problem, the Corpiration, sneaked in under the tent, got itself secretly crowned King of America, and has been running the Show by remote control ever since, that's what happened. And almost no one has recognized it. Few who do can even believe it. Too bad.
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