"American Revolutionary Scoop: U.S. Supreme Court Justice Scalia Steps in DooDoo Three Times and Nobody Says 'Shit!'
A couple days before the election, a small article in the S.F. Comical quoted Justice Scalia's comments on some cases currently before the Court. He openly expressed his prejudice on the issue in these cases. He further admonished his audience that the Constitution gives us no such right as that for which petitioners are seeking Court protection.
Well, excuse me, Judge, but you better back your black-robed ass up! Back way up! With all due respect, you professional pinhead, you're missing major points of the legal arrangement, here, t'wit:
One - An officer of the court is never to discuss a case pending before the court. This is a fundamental rule of jurisprudence. You blew it.
Two - You say your alleged mind is made up on this issue before you've heard the case. This so special. Why then would we need to take the time or go to the expense of hearing these cases if you already know what's right? The Supreme Court could close, the Justices and all that staff could pack up and go home, saving us taxpayers a bundle. Homeless veterans could then take shelter in all those fancy buildings you vacate, with the carpets, air conditioning and call girls.
Three - This is the important part. In your long and illustrious career 'reading the law' is it possible you missed this point about our Constitution, supreme law of the land? This point about the Constitution (indeed the point about the whole American revolution) is this:
The Constitution does not give us our Rights. The government does not give us our Rights. No judge anywhere gives us our Rights. What the Constitution does do is regulate what lawful government can do and cannot do.
This point is most clearly and emphatically made in Amendment IX: "The enumeration in the Constitution of certain Rights shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the People."
How could you miss so simple and clear a statement, Justice Scalia? Do you think it unimportant? Do you see it as not binding somehow? Are you out of your overeducated fucking mind? Are you hypnotized beyond your own comprehension? Do they do like selective lobotomies there in the rarefied strata you inhabit?
We retain the Right to discreet and objective justice. We retain the Right to public servants who daily exhibit their awareness of their place.
These seem such uncomplicated requirements, yet you've given us magpie running in tight circles to the right.
Bad justice! Bad, bad, bad!"
-- Rick Weddle
~1984, letter to Justice Scalia, and printed in the Memo, a bi-weekly 'shopper' in Ft. Bragg, CA
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An Addition for
Webster's Collegiate
"Dear Editor,
I figure if we humans are going to allow 'larger forces' to snuff out the one viable biosphere in the known universe, we should at least have a name for these ubercritters.
New word:
corpirate (kor - pi - ret) n. Latin corp, body, and Latin pirata, pirate or the practice and practitioners of illegal violence on the seas and shores. (1) Any of numerous members of the synthetic organism, corporation, as individuals or in aggregate, or any of these man-made life forms' human appendages (stockholders, employees, advocates, subverted governments, etc.). Ubiquitous and dominant life form on planet earth, its salient feature being warfare [for gain] against individual humans, groups, resources, the biosphere as a whole; responsible for our planet and all its contents now being casualties of war, but specifically and intentionally not responsible to anything; the root cause of terrorism....Adj. Of, or like, the corpirate organism, as the structure of organizations modeled after the corpirate (civic, service, fraternal, religious and political partes, their operatives, actions and philosophies).
-- Rick Weddle, Kapa'au
Hawai'i Island Journal, May 1-15, 2004
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Suggested 'Required' Reading
[While not a comprehensive list, this might point anyone interested in the 'right direction.']
'Conspiracy for Empire; Big Business, Corruption and the Politics of Imperialism in America, 1876 - 1907'
-- Luzviminda Bartolome Francisco, Jonathan Shepard Fast
'Confessions of An Economic Hit Man'
-- John Perkins
'Theodore Rex'
-- ?
'Seven Pillars of Wisdom'
-- T. E. Lawrence [of Arabia]
'Dams and Other Disasters; A Hundred Years of the Army Corps of Engineers in Public Works'
-- Arthur E. Morgan
'The Sovereign State of ITT'
-- ?
'The Proud Tower'
-- Barbara W. Tuchmann
'A People's History of the United States'
-- Howard Zinn
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