Wednesday, August 24, 2011


DIESEL, Rudolf Christian Karl   1858 - 1913
                                          -- largely unsung hero of the revolutions-per-minute business

     In most particulars, diesels don't measure up well to gas motors.  Compared to gasoline engines, they're heavier, more expensive, 'dirtier,' noisier, and vibrate more.  Recent technological advances have somewhat improved their weight, expense, noise, and vibration problems, still...
     In one other particular, diesels' advantages far outshine their gasoline-powered cousins:  It's the FUEL, Virginia!  Diesel fuel is known as 'low-grade and comparatively unrefined.'  Then what is it about this poorer relative of petrol that makes it so all-fired exciting?  Why did Rudy's original design parameters center around 'low-grade, dirty' fuel?
     I suggest his original intentions might be not only enlightening, but inspirational to us today.  While lately, trick market moves have erased the at-the-pump economy of its lack of refinement, this low-grade fuel meant bypassing the refinement steps required for petrol, making it cheaper to produce.  It also means, even more importantly, that diesel and jet fuel can be produced from feed-stocks other than petroleum!  Mysteriously, this detail has since been obscured, almost lost in the petro-smog.  Also near-buried is the fact that these alternative feed-stocks yield Bio-diesel, far cleaner burning than the petro-versions, with big, immediate atmospheric benefits.
     It gets more important, yet:  Mr. Diesel was particularly aware that Bio-diesel feed-stocks, specifically HEMP cultivars for seed, would mean the DECENTRALIZATION of this energy source;  Every neighborhood could grow its own, harvest its own seed, press the seed for fuel locally, and be left with the finest high-protein food as a by-product.  In the process, the cultivation of this one crop for fuel would:
     *Soak up CO2
     *Provide shade, cooling the earth
     *Fix nitrogen in the soil
     *Generate oxygen for breathing creatures (US, and so on...)
     *Control weeds
     *Aspirate moisture back into the atmosphere
     *Yield high-grade, tasty, non-toxicant, protein-rich seed-meal FOOD
     *Yield 4,726.3 gallons of methanol per year per acre (2 gals methanol=1 gal 96 octane petrol)
                                                           -- John J. Wise, Mobil Oil           
                                                               Industry Public Witness Panel Testimony
                                                               Before the 95th Congress of the U.S.           
     Such DECENTRALIZATION would mean LOCAL energy independence, cut deeply into the energy monopolies' rigged market advantages and undermine their illegal political pull!  PRESTO!  Big Problems solved! 
     So, remind me once again who profits most from the failed and failing Prohibition of Hemp (besides criminals, the pharmaceutical, synthetic and timber fiber and chemical industries, 'corrections professionals,' and various clueless religious wackos)?

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